Saturday, December 19, 2015

#AdventWord #Hope

I have seemingly endless tiny bits of information in my head.

Very, very few have footnotes or citations.

I remember of a culture, somewhere not European, that thought of the future much differently than we do. We speak of the future as being out there, in front of us. This culture thought that was ridiculous. If it was out in front of us, we would see it coming.

But we don't see the future coming. It is always full of surprises. It sneaks up on us from behind.

(Here's where I would name the culture if I'd retained that information. If someone knows, I'd love to see it in a reply below.)

I think of hope as something that is in the future. Indeed, thanks to Jurgen Moltmann, I think of hope as the thing that pulls us into the future. (Specifically, thanks to his Theology of Hope--I do remember where I get some information/ideas.)

I don't know if something from behind can pull us forward, but maybe I'm just mixing metaphors.

My point, I believe, is that hope doesn't always come in announced. Sometimes, you have to look over your shoulder to see it.

These last days of advent, may you be surprised by hope.

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