Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Skip Week

I'm not posting a "real" blog post this week because I'm trying to make some huge progress on a bigger work of fiction this week.

If you are a regular reader and have been stopping by weekly since Pentecost, thank you and I'd welcome any thoughts you have about this blog. I admit it's not the most tightly focused religious blog on the net, but I'm not sure how that's received. So if you're reading this and have been reading Crumbs at the Feast for a while, I'd appreciate a word or two about why, what you hope to find when you come here, what you'd like to see more of. Also, if there's a better day of the week besides Wednesday for new posts, or if weekly is too much, not enough, etc.

No pressure to address all that, but if you're of a mind, leave a comment below or send me an email at neilellisorts at yahoo dot com.

This past year has been a change in my blogging activities (from whenever I feel like it to weekly, for example) and I feel more change is in order for 2017. Here's where you can help me shape those changes.

Thank you, and blessings on you week.

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